As a witness in the court of Bandung, West Java in the case of a porn video with Nazriel 'Ariel' Irham, Cut Tari said she told the truth. She acknowledged the woman who was in the video along with Ariel that is herself.
Cut Tari in the trial judge admitted the video showing through a laptop. When asked who the woman who was in the video, a former presenter of 'Insert' It recognizes that it is herself.
However, in contrast with Cut Tari, Ariel actually denied. The attitude shown that Ariel make Cut Tari sad.
"I am still disappointed with Ariel who has not confessed. But the point I was relieved because it was testified," said Cut Tari on District Court when found in Bandung, West Java, Monday, December 13, 2010.
She hopes this issue will soon be finished and can live in peace again. "I'm relieved because it was running my obligations," she said as she walked, accompanied by her husband. The trial will again be held on Thursday, December 16 next to the agenda is still listening to witness testimony.
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